Representing manufacturers of quality products including DeZurik Valve.
Welcome to Yellowstone Water Works!
For over 20 years Mishler Sales has been representing manufacturers and distributing quality products for the water, wastewater, storm drain and irrigation markets. We assist engineers, owners, distributors and contractors in selecting products for use in those markets. Founded by now-retired Rex Mishler and currently owned and operated by Cavin Noddings, we have changed the company name to YELLOWSTONE WATERWORKS in order to better define ourselves, our services and the territory in which we do business.
Yellowstone Waterworks continues to maintain long-lasting relationships with waterworks stakeholders in the region and Cavin Noddings, PE, is able to expand those relationships particularly within the design and specifying engineering arena, as well as within the regulatory and public works community where Cavin previously worked for over 20 years.
Please contact Cavin or Debbie Elmore (Administrative Assistant) for assistance or information, or drop by and visit us in person. Yellowstone Waterworks looks forward to hearing from you!
With our office headquartered in Billings, MT, the largest city and hub of the region, we are centrally located within our sales territories and able to quickly and efficiently service the needs of everyone using the products we represent and distribute.
Cavin and Debbie have been mainstays and very recognizable persons in the waterworks industry in this region for over 20 years. Yellowstone Waterworks (Mishler Sales) is well known for its long-standing representation and distribution of products from stalwart manufacturers and continues to help these manufacturers realize their sales potential in the Rocky Mountain Front Region of Montana, Wyoming, North and South Dakota and Nebraska.